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AC World's Blog

Finding and Eliminating Odors in Ductwork

On those summer evenings when a neighbor is cooking on an outdoor charcoal grill and the wind is blowing in your direction, you may have experienced some of the odors attendant to that cooking process, even if your windows were closed and your air conditioner was running comfortably with filtered air.At other times, though, tracing [...]

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Spring Maintenance for Your Home

Preparing your home for winter is often seen as a task in preventive care. It’s the same with getting things shipshape for the warmer weather.Here are some spring maintenance tips, courtesy of The Tennesean, for protecting your biggest investment – your home – and keeping all systems running without a hitch:First, start with where a [...]

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The Impact of Hazardous AC Leaks

In early March 2015, a number of people working in a medical office in California were evacuated after complaining about a strange odor emanating from the building’s air conditioning vents. According to a report from the Press Enterprise newspaper, a refrigerant leak was the cause of the odor, which was described as “pesticide-like.” The newspaper also [...]

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According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the term Indoor Air Quality – also known as IAQ – “describes how inside air can affect a person's health, comfort, and ability to work.”Measuring IAQ involves several factors, including humidity, mold from water damage, temperature, inadequate ventilation and exposure to toxic chemicals. While OSHA does [...]

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AC and Your Baby

Given the recent extreme heat waves and deep freezes in the U.S., it only makes sense to start planning on how to stay cool before the warmer weather starts to appear again – especially if you have an infant child or one on the way. Because babies have a hard time telling us how they [...]

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Installing Roof Vents

An effective way to make the most of your Ductless Split AC System is to maximize the value of your attic insulation by installing soffit and roof vents. These vents almost always are installed in pairs, as this allows for better air circulation. And improved air circulation in an attic space is one way to [...]

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Cutting Down on Pet Dander

Improving the quality of the air inside your home could require more than simply installing the right filter and checking periodically to make sure it is clean, replacing it when necessary. If your home has pets, then you may wish to take steps to reduce the effects of their dander and hair. Some shedding of these [...]

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AC’s Future: Portable and Personal

A new prototype from the folks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows us how air conditioning might change in the next few decades. It’s all part of the Senseable City Project, which reimagines how cities can better operate by taking advantage of the growing popularity of hand-held electronics and wearables that stand to change any [...]

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PTAC Maintenance for Hotels

They’re an integral part of many hotel rooms, and for good reason: Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning (PTAC) units help to provide custom cooling options for a hotel’s many different kinds of guests. This helps to avoid the situation where one setting suits some and frustrates others. As efficient and useful as PTACs are, though, they need [...]

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Allergies and Portable AC

One subject that invariably arises at the mention of Portable Air Conditioners is the effect that a portable cooling system might have on a person’s allergies. The concern is understandable, given that many allergy sufferers can find relief only in the privacy of their own homes. Why compromise that rare level of comfort by using [...]

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