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Air Conditioning and Overactive Sweat Glands

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Boy Sweating

Having overactive sweat glands is an issue that affects many Americans. It causes plenty of discomfort in some of the most inconvenient situations and sometimes causes others to reflect poorly on you simply by looking at you.

The condition is officially known as hyperhidrosis. According to MedLine Plus, “Excessive sweating occurs without such triggers. People with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands. The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physical and emotional. When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet, and armpits, it is called primary or focal hyperhidrosis.”

There are a number of ways to treat this condition. Some people use pills. Others end up getting expensive surgeries.

However, one way this author has found to regulate the issue is by taking advantage of air conditioning. By significantly manipulating room temperature, it can have a positive effect on controlling overactive sweating, as well as giving someone peace of mind in feeling like they won’t succumb to excessive sweating. Portable air conditioners, such as those offered by AC World, are integral in addressing this problem.

For more of a perspective on hyperhidrosis, consider a recent article for the Montgomery Adviser titled “Living with hyperhidrosis.” This article specifically addresses what it’s like for people who live in the south, where overactive sweating has gotten to the point of just being accepted as a part of life. Jefferson Underwood of the Montgomery Adviser writes, “With the mercury rapidly rising one can pretty much guarantee that before the day is over they will be soaked. No, not by the usual Alabama afternoon pop-up showers, but by perspiration. Many Southerners have learned to accept sweating as a part of living in the Sunbelt, but for others it can be a downright nuisance. Although many individuals would love not being able to sweat, this physiological phenomenon is intended to be healthy. Sweating is a means of regulating the body’s temperature, also known as thermoregulation. The average adult can produce close to 1.5 liters up to 4 liters per hour of sweat or approximately 10 to 14 liters per day. Although that may not sound like much, that is over 1,000 gallons of sweat produced by the average human yearly. Individuals suffering from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating will produce far more sweat, which could be a sign that you actually are not healthy. Excessive sweating is estimated to affect over 200,000,000 people worldwide, which is slightly under 5 percent of the world’s population.”

If you are looking for portable air conditioners to help bring more comfort to your life, we’ve got you covered at AC World. Check out our vast selection to find out which air conditioner is right for you!