Finding and Eliminating Drafts
Posted by AC World on February 15th, 2015
You’ve found the perfect Multi-Zone Air Conditioner for your house, installed a Through the Wall AC Unit in your workshop in the shed, double-checked every connection and even added some insulation in ceiling spaces. And yet, the areas you’ve fought so hard to keep cool seem like they never get quite cool enough, not matter how vigorously you run your HVAC equipment.
At that point, it’s time to check for drafts, which can let in unwanted air from outside as well as provide an avenue of escape for indoor air that’s already been mechanically treated -- which, as many a person has observed over the years, is like throwing money out the window. Or, in this case, is like shoving money through various cracks and openings.
Here are a few tips for finding and eliminating drafts in your home – and, in the process, saving money on your cooling and heating bills:
Take a good look around any doors that lead to the outside of your house. If you can see daylight anywhere around the edge of the door, install weather stripping or other material to close up the open spaces. During more extreme weather, consider placing a rolled-up towel or blanket at the bottom of the door. If that helps, you may wish to replace the threshold, which could have gotten worn away or settled over time, creating a gap.
Use a feather to check for spaces around windows. Caulk and weather strip as necessary. And install window treatments to aid in insulation.
Check any fireplaces to make sure that the flue is closed during summertime, when you are running AC. If you do not use the fireplace, look into building code-approved ways for closing off the space permanently.
Take the time to remove window air conditioners during winter. Even if you use a cover during the colder months, air can still escape/intrude through spaces around the unit.
Questions about finding and eliminating drafts in or around your air conditioning equipment? Contact AC World today!