How to Lower the Energy Bill Without Making Huge Sacrifices
Posted by Ralf Schulz on August 26th, 2016
Often time when you get advice about lowering energy bills, it makes sense but it requires significant sacrifices that you’re simply not willing to make. We get it. That’s why we’ve come up with some unique ways to lower your energy bill that don’t require you to only shower once a month or give up your air conditioner.
Stick to ductless air conditioning units
You want a cool home that’s comfortable to be in but you don’t want huge energy bills. It may seem like there’s no compromise but we’re here to tell you there are: ductless air conditioners. You’ll likely see significant energy savings your very first month. Not only do ductless systems not have the energy loss that happens in traditional air conditioning systems that involve forcing air through ducts, but you can also buy a multi-zone unit that allows you to only cool the areas you’re using at any given time.
Only use the hot water setting on your washer when you really need to
LG Electronics, one of the largest manufacturers of washers and driers, says that heating water accounts for around 90% of the energy your washer uses. While some loads may require hot water, most don’t. As an added bonus, when you wash your clothes on cold you won’t have to separate colors the way you do when you wash them on warm or hot.
Learn more about discounts for non-peak hours
In some areas of the country, power companies offer discounts on electricity used during non-peak hours – and many customers have no idea about them. The non-peak discounts generally begin around 8 PM and the cost difference can be significant. Call up your power company to learn if they offer these types of discounts, and if they do, then you’ll know that night time is the right time to do dishes, laundry, etc.
Unplug electronics you don’t use regularly
You may think if you’re not using an electronic that it’s not using electricity but in fact it is. Modern day video game consoles are one of the biggest offenders and simply unplugging them when not in use can save you $10 or more on your next electric bill. While you may not want to unplug your microwave if you use it several times a day, there are plenty of items that you can wait a few seconds to turn on when you need them.
These are a few ideas to save energy without sacrificing much of anything. For more information on ductless heating and cooling systems, contact AC-World today.