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According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the term Indoor Air Quality – also known as IAQ – “describes how inside air can affect a person's health, comfort, and ability to work.”

Measuring IAQ involves several factors, including humidity, mold from water damage, temperature, inadequate ventilation and exposure to toxic chemicals. While OSHA does not currently maintain any IAQ standards, it has issued some guidelines about some of the more common workplace IAQ concerns.

Qualities that contribute to good IAQ are an adequate supply of fresh outdoor air, comfortable humidity levels and good control of pollutants, whether from indoor or outdoor air.

There is no single test that can locate an IAQ problem. Employers should regularly monitor humidity, temperature and air flow, while also conducting regular inspections of ventilation as well as heating and air conditioning systems. Inspections should also be conducted to ensure that there is no standing water in Portable AC units, humidifiers, in boiler rooms or on the roof: This can be a source of fungi, bacteria and mold – as well as a safety hazard for those walking or working near the standing water.

One key to detecting poor IAQ is to simply follow your nose. Musty or other unpleasant odors are signs of a problem that could only make IAQ worse. And if the building feels overly stuffy or hot, that could also be a sign of poorly functioning ventilation equipment – or simply no ventilation at all.

Should you experience shortness of breath, fever or a nagging cough, these could be symptoms of a more serious IAQ problem. Some causes of pneumonia as well as asthma have been connected to IAQ issues. As OSHA states on its web site, “If you have symptoms that are not going away or are getting worse, talk to your doctor about them.” And because not all exposures cause noticeable symptoms, there is no substitute for maintaining vigilance and managing the building responsibly.

More questions about IAQ? Contact AC World today!