Technology is Here to Save Us All Money and Energy
Posted by Ralf Schulz on July 29th, 2016
Many people believe that there haven’t been any significant advances in the heating and cooling world but the truth is that there are tons of options out there that can save us both money and energy. An interesting article in Central Valley Business Journal does a great job showcasing some of these innovations. It’s called How technologycan save you energy and money.
David Darmstandler writes, “At Disneyland, in the late ‘90s, there was an exhibit that demonstrated the modern connected home. There were examples of central media controls, PA systems and many other bells and whistles. But the tech was bleeding edge; it was barely functional.
Fast-forward to today, and you’ll find working automation products breaking out of the lab and truly ready for prime time. A connected environment can tie multiple, disparate services together and simplify how they are triggered. From motion sensors to smart phone controls, your home and office can integrate a half dozen gadgets that bring efficiency to both life and your energy footprint.
Lights are one of the common starting points in the realm of automation. WeMo ( products are very popular for home use. With WeMo, one can control lights from an iPhone or set a timer to turn particular lights on and off based on a schedule you set.
In office environments, motion sensors are paramount. It may not sound earth shattering, but the energy savings from keeping office, utility and conference room lights off while they’re not occupied can really add up. And with LED bulbs that snap to attention quickly when someone enters the room, the motion sensing approach is a perfect fit.
Like many readers, my office has central air, but in newer office environments, “ductless” AC units can provide a better experience and are dramatically more energy efficient. A small, wall-mounted unit can deliver each office the ideal heating or cooling.
Consider the weekend worker who comes into the office on a Saturday. In a forced-air model, they might have to turn on air conditioning for the entire third floor. Not only does that scenario burn a ton of juice to cool a thousand square feet, the poor guy slaving away may wait an hour to get an ideal temp. But with a room-based unit, the worker’s space reaches optimal temperature quickly and efficiently without struggling to control the unoccupied space as well.”
We couldn’t agree more about the author’s insights, especially as they relate to ductless air conditioners. At AC World we’re always looking for the latest and greatest ways for our customers to save money and energy. Give us a call for more details on how we can help you do both!