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Update on Baltimore Schools Push for Portable AC

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Portable AC in classroomAs we reported last week, Baltimore schools are strongly considering portable air conditioners for their classrooms. The Baltimore Sun recently published an update on the story titled “County school board seeks $10 million for air-conditioned classrooms.”

Liz Bowie of the Baltimore Sun writes, “In an attempt to speed efforts to provide air conditioning to all schools in Baltimore County, the school board voted this week to put an additional $10 million in next year's operating budget. The last-minute addition came days before the state Board of Public Works is expected to lift a ban on using state school construction money for portable air-conditioning units. Only 48 of the county's 174 school buildings were not air-conditioned at the beginning of the school year. Using state and county funds, the district is expected to reduce the number without air conditioning to 37 schools by the beginning of next school year and to 19 by June of 2017. Parents and board members have pushed to speed that process, saying they don't believe Superintendent Dallas Dance's budget is getting the job done quickly enough. It's unusual for school boards to add money to a budget after the superintendent has presented it to the public. The school budget will be submitted to County Executive Kevin Kamenetz and the County Council for approval. Kamenetz could remove the $10 million. ‘Any budget discussions are premature,’ said Donald Mohler, a spokesman for Kamenetz. If the county convinces the state to accelerate funding for the air conditioning, Mohler said, all schools will be air-conditioned by 2019. Parents and teachers have complained for years about the lack of air conditioning and a proposed policy that would close schools that don't have it only when the temperature outside reaches 95 degrees. School board member Marisol Johnson requested the funding as a one-time expenditure. She said it would not be wise to redirect money in the budget from classroom instruction to air conditioning. Board member Kathleen Causey suggested Tuesday that the board restrict the use of the $10 million for portable air-conditioning units, but her motion failed.”

If you’re looking for portable air conditioners, we’ve got you covered at AC World. Our ductless mini split air conditioner is a cost effective alternative to central air conditioning. Yes, it is slightly more than the typically wall or window air conditioner, but the minor additional cost is easily and quickly recouped in energy savings and home security. For example, since the compressor sits on the outside, the ductless mini split air conditioner is very quiet and efficient. Furthermore, they avoid the energy losses associated with the ductwork of central forced air systems.

Whatever portable air conditioner needs you might have, look no further than our team at AC World!